On Friday 1st. May 2009, Midi (my youngest bro) wanted to buy us dinner. At first we decided to go to Village View kat Bangi nun...too far for all of us actually, yelah, the other side of the town.....since Lah (my dearest sis) cannot join us, so we decided to go to another place.....Lyana (my gal) suggested that we go the Naili's at Ampang Point....gud...walaupun a bit far for Eyda (my niece) n Hubby dia Zuhair....

After solat maghrib, we all pun berangkat lah ke Ampang Point....Midi dah datang earlier kat umah, lepas tu Mus sampai, solat, we all pun pegilah....Wow..the weather was so we requested for cooler place la kat restoren tu....the waiter lead us upstairs, ingatkan sejuk, tapi berbahang juga.....

And we ordered sweet sour kerapu, chilli prawn, telur dadar, mixed tomyam, chicken wings and mixed vege.....hemmmm.....the tomyam not bad, so does the fish, tapi chili prawn dia ada kureng sikit, cos they put sambal on top of the prawn, kalau di mix terus dgn prawn tu, should be really nice...anyway kitaorg memang makan sampai kenyang.....nasi abih dulu, lauk-lauk terpaksa diratah....kenyang pun, kenalah abihkan lauk-pauk tu.....

Yang best nye, sambil makan, sambil bergelak-ketawa....we really had a good was really nice, eventhough tak ramai, still our table, paling bising sekali.....

Lepas dinner, we decided to have coffee somewhere else eventhough Coffeebean just at the other midi ler, nak berjalan we went to Danau Kota, had coffee at Classic Old 11.30pm we split....Eyda n Zuhair going back to Shah Alam....Mus send us back to Ukay Perdana and after that Midi left for Bangsar....hem....gud times, gud companies., gud food...a very nice combination!!!!!!


nuruleyda said…
i love the companies!!!

i shud have this makan-makan event selalu lah :D

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