Bila x boleh tido!

Almost 2 am.... still couldn't sleep as usual.... i have been like these for months.... don't know why... earliest i go to sleep is at 2.30am... sometime smpi subuh pun x blh tido lg... klu tido pun mesti x nyenyak... Today i went to clinic, nothing much the doctor can say... just asked whether i am having problem at home or work.... not really.. sometimes just worry about yana's wedding aje... work pulak, x de ler stress sgt... relax aje....

Tapi bln ramadhan ni mmg elok jg x blh tido, alhamdullillah, satu hari i manage to khatam satu surah, hopefully this ramadhan i will khatam the whole Quran... & disebabkan x mengantuk & tak nak tido, dpt ler i did solat yg sunat-sunat, alhamdullillah.

I remember at one time, when i couldn't sleep, i went to a clinic where there was a muslim lady doctor... bila i told her about my problem, she told me, mesti ada hikmahnya... mesti Allah inginkan aku beribadat kepadaNya di malam hari.... i still remember that very clearly... dats what i will try to do, when i couldn't sleep... tp kena cuba tido jg... cos the next day need to go to work, klu x ckp tido, mula ler mengantuk, blm pkl 10 pg lg dah tersengguk-sengguk, kepala sakit, selseme pun turut menyerang bila x cukup tido....

Yg x bestnya, bila x blh tido, fikiran tu mula ler melayang ke sana-sini, fikir yg bukan2, pahtu lagi ler x blh tido sbb kepala otak ligat berfikir.... Wonder, is it age factor or what... tanya kawan2 yg sebaya, x de pulak dorang mengalami masalah like me ni.... but then terima aje lah, like the doctor said mesti ada hikmahnya, Allah menuntut aku melakukan sesuatu....


Anonymous said…
mehla dtg penang jaga umar... confirm boleh tdo. hehehee

anta umar kat k.l lah, blh jg sepanjang masa.... nana suker berbual2 ni.... meh umar meh...

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