STD. 6 BLUES 1976

This week... spt biasa lah, bz, bz, bz with work... smpi x cukup tangan & kaki, up & down, here & there.... balik umah kepala sakit....... difikirkan balik, mungkin jg sengaja menyibukkan diri utk melupakan hati yg terguris, jiwa yg merajuk.... anyway, beberapa kali jg x dpt dibendung kesedihan itu, tanpa diundang, perasaan sedih itu dtg juga, airmata menitis jua.

Anyway... i managed to get in-touch with few friends from primary school, of cos thru facebook, so tanpa perancangan awal, we decided to meet-up on Saturday... alamak i got classes, class tu plk nk cover 2 wks nyer class... but these friends dh lama x jumpa, ada yg berpisah after std 6, terus x jumpa, ada yg aftr form 3... nak sgt jumpa, looking forward to see them... so apalagi, ponteng kelas lagi ler aku.

Apalagi Saturday tu lepas je solat zohor terus pecut ke Alamanda, biasalah MRR2 punya kegilaan traffic on saturday... but as usual, i was the first to arrive around 3pm. We met-up at Madam Kwan's.

Than, Rusyatimah & Azlina, both of them i've not seen them after std. 6... 2 glamorous students masa primary. Ros x byk berubah, but Azlina, klu jumpa kat luar mmg x kenal... anyway dua2 pun klu berlanggar bahu kat luar mmg x kenal. Ros nasib baik dh tatap gambar2 dia kat FB. Lepas tu Hasni, doktor dh sekarang ni....pun klu terlanggar kat luar aku rasa mmg x kenal jg... but still kecik macam dulu. Ros now Menteri Tugas2 Khas di Min. of Housing... hahaha.... Azlina with Telekom.. so the gals la yg smpi dulu, sempat ler kita org gossip without the boys.... Lepas tu YB Azlan, bakal ADUN Semenyeh kawan ku sorang ni... ngan Alan & Hasni berpisah masa form 4... Alan dulu ni, rasanya aku x pernah pun bertegur-sapa dgn dia.... tp skrg dlm FB, bkn main lg ler kitaorg semua... semalam pun x sangka ler we can get along... lepas Alan smpi Mazlan Mustapha plk muncul, our headboy, oh lupa Azlina was our headgirl. I used to meet Mazlan in late 80s kot, x ingat doh....smpi Mazlan, mak oiii... riuh-rendah kitaorg... gelak x henti2..... Hadi smpi lambat, (Hadi aftr form 3 jg x jumpa)... our Hadi bawa 2nd family.... hemmmm muda & cantik orgnyer......lg ler riuh... Alan & Ros ada history, apa lg Hadi dok ngusik je lah.... anyway another person supposed to come tp x muncul2, our class monitor Hj Azhar..... dari sepatutnya 8, tinggal 7 org... but than 7 org pun dh riuh-rendah.

By 6.30pm Azlina & Hasni beransur... so by 7pm semua bersurai... it was really a very wonderful moment for me.... almost 4 hours jugalah but i feel masa cepat sgt berlalu... Thank you friends for the wonderful time & Alan for belanja kita semua... don't worry, our vote goes to you.


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