2/9/12 - My Day
Today woke-up quite early, not my usual Sunday, unless i have classes. Wow by the way, next weekend will be my 2nd semaster, so fast one semaster already gone. So starting next weekend, no more relaxing weekend. And tomorrow the 1st semaster's result will come-out, really hope i will pass with flying colors.
Ok, woke-up, wash my face & picked-up the magic duster (i dunno why it call magic, when there is no magic at all, i still have to use my two hands), and clean-up the 3 fans in the house.... so dusty. After dat, of course need to sweep the floor with all the dust falling down, the floor need to be mopped.
Then rested, made tea, fried egg and had rice for breakfast while watching Melodi. Looked at the balcony my dearest jessica is sulking again, need water, so i spend a little bit of my time fertilizing the plants. My, my, my, the plant is getting bigger & i need a better place to put the pots. Ok, by this week if i didn't get the 3 tier stand as my fren promised me, i have to get one custom made. Can't wait any longer.
Then i decided to repair the tap in the bathroom, but failed, what i did just change the head, took it from the other bathroom & fixed it at my bathroom. Had good exercise today.
Then, clean-up the bathroom, showered & prayed. This weekend will be the last weekend to rest & relax. Next weekend the life as a student will started again.