GE13 -5/5/13
Ok i never blog about politics, not that i am interested in politics but i am tired with Malaysian politics. But lately i have shown more interest in politics, i followed every blog that discuss about politics, i know this and that a little bit. i can argue & discussed about it between my piers & friends.
BN a big name for Malaysian politics, we heard about corruption, cronyism, misused of public funds and so on.... a very long list. Realization of politics for me started in 90s, when Anwar Ibrahim was sacked & humiliated. Then only i looked closely and followed news about politics. My god it is really sickening.
So yesterday 5/5/13 was the 13th. general election, for the 2nd time, the people stand in unity, malay, chinese & indian. We want a clean government, a clean election, but still the same... dirty, dirty, dirty...
I was disappointed actually, after looking at the support given to the opposition how could it be? How can the opposition lost. Even in my office 70% support opposition, my daughter's office also the same. Obviously BN play dirty games. Phantom votes, it seems gave the BN the winning votes... how are we going to fight this? EC, stupid, supposed to be an independent body but, we can see these body worked closely with BN.
So, here we are, BN government still stand strong.... maybe not now, hopefully i am still alive to see that PAS take over Malaysia... hopefully the next generation after me will make the right choice, choose the right people & party.
Till than, we have to bear with this dirty & corrupted government & looking at the big hair of Rosmah Mansor....
One fine day... Malaysia will be the real Islamic country with the hudud law implemented... insyaAllah.