Gastrik attack

Tadi while waiting to fall a asleep, teringat nak post something.....hmmmm apa ye.... jap, ingatkan balik.... oooo ok... dah ingat dah....

Early morning, it was 2.30 am i was woken up by a very sharp pain, on my right chest, my back & my stomach.... it was so painful that, even when i tried to forget about the pain & go back to sleep i can't... thinking of going to clinic at that wee hours, but then, macam rasa takut lah pulak nak kuar rumah sorang2 gitu.... so amik krim halia, yang panas2 tu, i rubbed all over the top part of my body & alhamdullillah, walaupun the pain didn't totally gone, but i managed to continue my trip to lala land... by 4.30 am as usual... the pain is still there, seusai my routine & after fajr prayer, go back to sleep... memang ingat today kena mc lagi.... malaslah mc, sbb last tuesday dah mc... 7.30 am, bangun lah jg... the pain still ada.... 

Lepas breakfast kt ofis, amik ubat gastrik yg biasa amik tu.... but till now, still having it.... but i already know what triggered it.... yesterday evening, i had nasi ikan bawal penyet, yang sambalnye, terbakar mulut.... best gler.... masa makan tu really i enjoyed it so much the kepedasannya... terlupa yg lately ni my stomach extra sensitive.... x blh salah makan sikit pn.... lewat breakfast pn mesti kena gastrik.... not like those younger days.... 

Hemmmm, faktor usia ye.... dah tua lah tu.....


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