Don't know why? She is feeling really sad since yesterday. Tears just at the corner of her eyes, waiting patiently to fall down on her cheek. She is trying to think, what could be the cause of her sadness. She knows well, when things are going smoothly, soon it will pass and will be replaced by sadness. Life is like that, every sadness will follow by happiness and every happiness will follow by sadness. Nothing permanent. 

She pray really hard, asking Allah, to prolong this happiness a little bit more. She knows the time is up. Their promises to each other is reaching the check point soon. She is not looking forward to that day. She is too scare to face it.... to decide. No, she doesn't want to decide. She just want to let it be. Which is, she knows it is impossible. They have to decide. They have to make clear of the situation.

Yesterday, she came across an article, she read it and it stuck in her head till today. Is it the sign, is it an answer to her istikharah, is it what she has to do, the decision she has to make?

O Allah, this is what make her sad, this is what causing her tears.

While driving to office this morning, her lips non-stop recite dhikr, recite 'LAL HAWLA WALA KUWATAH ILLAH BILLAH HU WAL ALIEL AZIM". She called for Him, asking for His help, asked Him to forgive her for her sins, asked Him to give her strength to go through this trial again, to make her stronger than the last time. To give her sabr for whatever is coming to her. 

She has to gain and gather all the strength to face another turbulence, another trial, another test. She cannot fail, she cannot fall, she cannot give-in or give-up. She has to stand strong, she knows Allah is always there for her, The One who will give her the strength, The One who will guide her, will help her through it (He always did). The One who will comfort her when she scare, hold her when its cold, wipe her tears when she cried, soothe her when she is down, bring her back home when she is lost. He is always there for her. She just need to have enough faith, hold on to Him no matter what. He will not let her down, let her fall, leave her alone... No, He would not... Her promised her that... and she believe in Him.

Ibn ‘Abbas also narrates: Once I was behind the Prophet (s) and he said:

O boy, I will teach you a few words:
(a) Be loyal and obedient to Allâh [worship Him (Alone)], remember Him always, obey His Orders. He will save you from every evil and will take care of you in all the spheres of life.
(b) Be loyal and obedient to Allâh, you will find Him near (in front of you) i.e. He will respond to your requests.
(c) If you ask, ask Allâh.
(d) If you seek help, seek help from Allâh.
(e) Know that if all the people get together in order to benefit you with something, they will not be able to benefit you in anything except what Allâh has decreed for you. And if they all get together in order to harm you with something, they will not be able to harm you in anything except what Allâh has decreed for you. The pens have stopped writings [Divine (Allâh’s) Preordainments]. And (the ink over) the papers (Book of Decrees) has dried.
This Hadith is quoted in Sahih At Tirmidi.


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