Yesterday, i was reading this article about being divorce and the blessing comes with it, written by a Muslim lady, maybe an Arab. I totally agreed with her.... because her marriage was very very bad & if i am in her shoes, i will resort to divorce also.
And later the same day, i was listening to this talk with Q&A session. One of the question being asked was about "how do we know that our life or whatever we do is barakah?"
Ustaz said "it is barakah, when the life that we live, lead us nearer and closer to Allah, we tend to upgrade our worship for Allah, we do things with remembrance of Allah, we relate everything in our life to Allah, we fear Allah, we feel Allah, everything in our life is all about Allah. Those feeling, actions shows that our life is barakah."
So here what i would like to share..... I got married to my husband almost 4 years ago and i am a third wife... it was somewhat not a perfect marriage.... to outside world. To people who knows about my marriage, would definitely say, what kind of marriage is this... how can i allow myself to be in this kind of marriage (some people asked). 1st year and 2nd year of the marriage, yes, it was very difficult for me... a lot of tears & we argued a lot.... but one thing that i will not trade with anything, my relationship with Allah.... The stronger the hurricane hit me, the closer i am to Allah... In the third year of the marriage,,,, i realised, its not about my husband, its not about how bad is my marriage or how imperfect it is.... its about my relationship to Allah.... Its about how i connect to Allah. And alhamdullillah, when the connection is stronger, when the relationship is closer, everything that i am facing in the marriage suddenly not so big anymore.... suddenly my relationship with my husband is much much better... suddenly i don't complain anymore.
I am so blessed, i found Allah in my imperfect marriage.... i could feel how much Allah loves me, through my dearest husband... in the process of seeking happiness in my marriage, i am actually finding happiness in Allah's blessing. In the hope for my husband to love me more, i am actually feel the presence of Allah in my life.
Alhamdullillah.... i pray that my life, my marriage is in Allah's barakah, always.
Why i share part of my story, because i realised that, there is no other way to find happiness, peacefulness... NO.... except being with Allah, rely on Him, pray, dua', remember Him at all times. I was a lost soul, not once, not twice, but so many times.... Now, i feel i found back my soul through the hurricane which hit my marriage.... its Allah's way, to bring me back to Him, and anyone of us who feel lost. We just need to look beyond it... search for something that is permanent, that will not move, shift, lost, die, leave.... that is only ONE, ONE ALONE, its ALLAH.
"Karena itu ingatlah kamu kepada-KU niscaya Aku ingat (pula) kepadamu dan bersyukurlah kepada-KU, dan janganlah mengingkari (nikmat)-KU” (QS. Al Baqarah (2) : 152)
"Sesungguhnya Aku ini adalah Allah, tidak ada Tuhan (yang hak) selain Aku, maka sembahlah Aku dan dirikanlah sholat untuk mengingat Aku”. (QS.Taha (20) : 14)
“Ingatlah, hanya dengan mengingati Allah-lah hati menjadi tenteram.” (QS. Ar Ra’du : 28)